Celebrity Autobiographies – from the blessed to the lucky (Part 2)

Celebrity Autobiographies – from the blessed to the lucky (Part 2)

I got some feedback that I may have been a bit harsh in Part 1 of this compilation of celebrity autobiographies… Specifically to Holly Madison. But in a fairness, I am a fan of the show The Girls Next Door. Of the Playboy bunnies I’ve been exposed to in my limited way, she’s my favorite because she does come across as very smart. I just think that her book is one big *sigh* about how sidetracked she got at “The Mansion” and how little that part of her life mattered in the end. On we go…

I’m finishing up this mini project by introducing you to these next celebrity autobiographies for when you…

Are counting your blessings…

A-MagnoliaStoryThe Magnolia Story by Chip and Joanna Gaines is the story of how they went from sweethearts in Texas to a National Super Couple. From living in partially renovated, dilapidated homes to moving to Magnolia Farms, hoping they would be blessed with children to welcoming four “kiddos” into the world over the years, barely getting a pass by HGTV on their new show concept to opening up their very own store visited by people from around the U.S., this couple can’t even keep track of all the blessings they’ve received over the years.

Joanna and Chip also tell about the trials they’ve had along the way – barely scraping together mortgage payments, having to start again on their business and struggling with what they would include in their TV show and what they would keep sacred in the family.

I heard a saying once that went “In a world of Kardashians, be a Joanna Gaines.” I hope you find enlightenment into your own special blessings as you read about how God has been faithful to this couple for years.


Are in the mood for a classic Hollywood story…

A-scrappylittlenobodyLiving in a Hollywood apartment and waitressing on the side while attending auditions and cast calls. A girl from an all-American town is in the right movie at the right time and embraces their part in the story. Leaving home at an early age to make it in the big city and keeping the worst of it from your folks as you struggle to make enough to eat regularly. Kinda sounds like that classic Hollywood story that we see depicted on films all the time doesn’t it?

It’s also the story of Anna Kendrick, our all-American scrappy little somebody. If you’re having a hard time placing her, you may be over the age of 35 years old and don’t socialize a  lot with Millennials. Think Jessica from Twilight. Or better yet Beca from Pitch Perfect.

Scrappy Little Nobody is the story of Anna’s upbringing and eventual climb to fame. It’s full of her perpetual insecurities that even the most confident would have if they were being watched by photographers, peers and their entire generation every time they stepped out of the house. Anna tells us her classic tale, but she comes across as human, relatable and spunky.


Really Get The Story…

Don’t be afraid of doing a little homework while you read through some of the stories that are told by these incredible people. Watch early episodes of Fixer Upper or dedicate an afternoon to the watching the first two Twilight movies (Twilight and New Moon) – in which Anna’s character Jessica has her biggest supporting roles.
Have you read any celebrity autobiographies lately? What did you think? Leave your comments below and keep the conversation going.

Bookworm is the reading hippy who uses books to escape reality and take far out trips. In the afterglow of her trips, Bookworm is always struck with enlightenment from what she has just read. She sees how modern literature is influencing cultures, society and even future histories. If you dig it, stay tuned as Bookworm shares her thoughts and ponderings related to the books she’s reading.