Love & Haight

Love & Haight

This is a great story. Madeley is an excellent story-teller and I love how halfway through the book she changes perspectives from Solomon to Petula. Of course, ultimately this is Solomon’s story. This book is a great prequel to Peaceful Meadows, but it can stand alone as long as you are OK with leaving the ending as is.

I will say that at times I found it hard to know who was actually talking as often we just see dialogue with no visual tie to one particular character. Also, some of the characters could have been developed more as I’m a little unclear as to what they would actually look like should they be standing in front of me.

A 4 star read for sure! I can’t wait to see what Madeley will bring us next.

This book is linked with the post “Review: Love & Haight by Tracey Madeley – A social experiment in youth”.